Hello my friends, isn’t it freezy pops tonight, I have just finished watching I am celeb get me out of here, I think this years is the funniest yet!!! How sad am I , I love it !!! Can’t make me mind up who I want to win, George, Joe or esther… Lol Now I thought Esther was soooo straight laced and sour faced, how wrong can one be…. lol eyeing up Brian Paddick in the nuddy…lol Go Esther!! lol How comical Is George and Joe… Ollie ollie ollie (beep!) in the trolley…lol well I will be pleased if either one won…

Anyways enough of that, onto this weeks sketch, a right easy peasy one again, can’t cope with much more before crimbo… Me brain is in overdrive got to do valentine comission, Mmmmm….

I have used the gorgeously cute Lilly downloads from Love to doodle, I am in love with this ickle cutie… I have made another one for the CCT challenge but will show that one on Sunday… The papers for this one is one of my faves that i have used loads My minds eye, from The card studio, sentiment pebbles inc craftsulove. so is the gianormous brad,coloured in promarkers….
Enjoy, don’t forget to show me what you have made…. And thanks loads for those who joined in last fridays sketch, real fabulos cards all of them, and well done Julia 20 comments come girlie surely, thats a must for a blog!!!

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