I have just been given my briefings on my first commissions with Simplycards and papercrafts, I am soooo excited and feel sick at the same time does that makes sense??, I have been given two today, The first will be in issue 43 and the second one in 44 I think, anyways the stuff for the first one will arrive tommorrow, I am sooo excited I can’t sit still, and I really must rest as Paul is on his way to Liverpool to watch his beloved Chelsea play Everton and I have to pick him up from paddington station in london at 4am in morning..(ughhh!!) They are on a specially chartered by Chelsea train, right old cronkety thing n all it is…
My daughter Winnie is over at a friend for a few hours, I should really get some shut eye, but me mind is buzzing with what shall I design,I don’t have much time they have to be in post next Friday….
I really don’t want peeps to think Cor how the hell did she win that, with that crap!!! I really want to show that the decision to make me winner was the right one!!! Oh now I feel more sick!!!!

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