Well Happy firework night all, My poor little Tillie, My dog she is as fed up with the bangers going off as I am, bar humbug I hear ya say!!!! Hmmmmm not at 6 am in the morning, I mean who wants to play fireworks at silly Hour!!!!!
Well with all the bangs going off tonite I suppose for tea we really must have bangers n mash… Otherwise known as SAUSAGES but hey you all know that but just had to say it anyhoos…. ohhheee I feels like stuffing me face I am sooo hungry….
Well am busy busy like a sparkler need to get my papertake challenge card done, norty me ……
Byeeee **** waves ****
Maybe youll do a nice Sparkley!!! card.I’d love to add you too my blog roll if you dont mind. I find I just keep having to look at your blog!!! Anyway hope you have a nice evening whatever you do. Was your bangers & Mash nice? Terrie bx
*** WAVES BACK ***** Teee heee heee I almost died laughing!! What next??
Awww Terrie of course ya can….
6am, bloomin eck thats crazy, awwww poor Tillie.Enjoy your bangers kimmie:)