Hello there, I am getting a massive amount of blog hits this week, not sure what I am doing but i thank you all for popping by, perhaps it’s blogging more and sharing my creations, perhaps i am inspiring you to have go, what ever it is you are much appreciated, ..
Now whilst I don’t have anything creative to share with you in this post, I will explain the title..
Having got together with some lovely demo’s, we were fooling about with matching words, and on my way home I thought Mmmm now how can I incorporate this into my blog and make me blog and share regular..
Well I came up with the following.
Simple Sunday’s = I will share a simple and quick make on a Sunday, Something easy to case… starting this Sunday so do pop by….
What would you like to see Wednesday’s = Viewer’s choice, you let me know what you would like me to make and share on a Wednesday, you can let me know by leaving a comment or email me at simplyfairies@yahoo.com
Flexi Friday = (At Stampin Up we are having a career plan change, and it’s fabulous and incorperates a flex points system where you can earn points from sales and team members and use them for product or to pay for convention, wooohooooo……) well Flexi Friday is as it says Flexable so anything goes!!
Are you going to pop along and join me, I hope so, I will blog on the other days but on these days I aim to be regular……. not as and when …..
Thank you for popping by if you wish to sign up for my newsletter where I will show makes not necessarily showed on my blog or face page just subscribe on the side bar….
I think that's a great idea Kim 🙂
Thank you for your comment lovely xx